In this guide, you will learn how to install VDO Panel on Your VPS or Dedicated Server in just 5 minutes.

Requirements Before Installation:

Software Requirements

Operating System

  • Centos7 – Centos 8 – Rocky Linux 8 – AlmaLinux 8 – cPanel servers

Disk and Memory

  • VDOPanel software needs 3 GB disk storage and 1GB memory as a minimum

Network and Firewall for ports

Recommend all ports open, so if ports are blocked, you need to open these ports :

  • [ 80 – 443 – 21 ]
  • range ports : [ 999 to 4000 ]

Hardware Requirements

  • 1 – 5 TV Stations – 300 Connections
  • CPU: 2 Core
  • RAM: 2GB
  • Disk: as you need for your video files, SSD is recommended.
  • Network Connection: 500 Mbps


  • 5 – 30 TV Stations – 1000 Connections
  • CPU: 8 Core
  • RAM: 16GB
  • Disk: as you need for your video files, SSD is recommended.
  • Network Connection: 1000 Mbps


  • 30 – 50 TV Stations – 3500 Connections
  • CPU: 12 Core
  • RAM: 24GB
  • Disk: as you need for your video files, SSD is recommended.
  • Network Connection: 10000 Mbps

Login to your server via SSH

root login is a requirement, the installation will not function if you are not logged in as root or have sufficient sudo privileges.

Now Run the below command and press Enter :

curl -L > install.bin && chmod +x install.bin

Now run the below command and press Enter

./install.bin start

Now Auto Setup will now guide the further automatic installation process.

How to Install on VDO Panel cPanel?

√ Dont make edit or changes on vdopanel cPanel account
√ Make sure NGINX not installed on the cPanel server before
√ php 7.2, 7.3 or 7.4 with ionCube PHP Loader + suphp
√ Make sure (exec, shell_exec and allow_url_fopen) enabled for php
√ Disable PHP-FPM for vdopanel account
√ Set this values for php settings :
    max_execution_time = 180
    max_input_time = 180
    memory_limit = 512M
    post_max_size = 2000M
    upload_max_filesize = 2000M


Minimum VPS/Dedicated Server Requirement

1 Core CPU, 1 GB RAM & HDD As per your Need.


Login to your server via SSH

root login is a requirement, the installation will not function if you are not logged in as root or have sufficient sudo privileges.

Now Run the below command and press Enter :

curl -L > install.bin && chmod +x install.bin

Now run the below command and press Enter

./install.bin start

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