
When working with text files in Linux, it’s common to encounter duplicate lines that need to be eliminated for various reasons. The uniq command is a powerful tool that helps us remove duplicate lines and streamline our data. In this article, we will explore the versatile capabilities of the uniq command through eight practical examples. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced Linux user, these examples will guide you in effectively using the uniq command to manage and manipulate your text files.

Example 1: Removing Duplicate Lines

The most basic use of the uniq command is to remove duplicate lines from a file. We will learn how to use the command with different options to achieve the desired outcome. Through clear and concise explanations, you’ll grasp the concept of duplicate lines and how the uniq command can help in eliminating them efficiently.

Example 2: Counting Duplicate Lines

Sometimes, instead of removing duplicates, you may need to count them for statistical or analysis purposes. We will explore the -c option of the uniq command, which enables us to count the occurrences of duplicate lines in a file. This example will provide practical scenarios where counting duplicates can be useful and how to interpret the results.

Example 3: Ignoring Case Sensitivity

The uniq command is case-sensitive by default, but there are situations where we want to treat uppercase and lowercase letters as the same. We will demonstrate how to ignore case sensitivity using the -i option. This example will help you understand the importance of case-insensitive matching and its impact on the removal or counting of duplicate lines.

Example 4: Limiting Comparison Fields

In some cases, you may want to compare only specific fields within a line to determine if it’s a duplicate. The uniq command allows us to limit the comparison to certain fields using the -f option. We will walk through practical examples where this feature becomes handy and how to specify the desired fields for comparison.

Example 5: Displaying Unique Lines Only

Apart from removing duplicates, you might need to extract only the unique lines from a file. We will explore the -u option, which enables us to display only the unique lines while discarding the duplicates. This example will demonstrate how to extract valuable information from a file by focusing solely on the non-repetitive content.

Example 6: Handling Sorted Files

The uniq command works best with sorted input files, but what if your file isn’t sorted? We will cover techniques to handle unsorted files using the sort command in conjunction with uniq. You’ll learn how to leverage the power of sorting to ensure accurate duplicate removal or counting, even with unsorted data.

Example 7: Skipping Leading Characters

In some cases, you may want to ignore a specific number of leading characters when comparing lines for duplicates. The -s option of the uniq command allows us to skip a defined number of characters before comparison. We will walk through examples where skipping leading characters becomes necessary and how to specify the appropriate skip count.

Example 8: Checking for Consecutive Duplicates

The uniq command assumes that duplicate lines are consecutive, but what if you want to check for duplicates that are not consecutive? We will introduce the -D option, which enables us to identify non-consecutive duplicates. This example will shed light on scenarios where detecting non-consecutive duplicates is crucial and how to use the -D option effectively.


In this comprehensive guide, we have explored the power and versatility of the uniq command in Linux. With the provided examples, you have learned various techniques to remove duplicate lines, count duplicates, ignore case sensitivity, limit comparison fields, display

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